First I have to say thank you to Starbucks Melody for graciously sending over this COE coffee and allowing me to have a virtual shared experience.
I am particularly a fan of Sun dried, Natural processed coffee. It has always been the process I gravitated to not just for the unique taste profile. To understand Natural processed coffee you have to understand the meticulous care taken in harvesting and drying coffee to produce this special cup. Once coffee is picked the coffee cherries begin to ferment in 2 hours and has to begin processing the same day. In terms of potential financial impact Whether the coffee is sun dried over 4-7 days on a concrete patio or raised beds carefully adjusted by hands this process creates a bottle neck in production for the farmer to continually move coffee off the patio and lay out next harvest.
Brazil Sïtio Baixadāo has the highest score ever for a cup of excellence natural processed coffee. This Coffee is a Natural processed Catuai varietal that was grown on 5 Hectares with an average elevation of 4,101 Ft. in Mantiqueira de Minas region. The Mantiqueira de Minas region is the geographical indication (GI) that represents a regional heritage, traceability and coffee producing culture that truly highlights a coffee growing area producing something special with strict and consistent standards. The goal is to maintain the identity of the area. For Example think of the famous Nariño region of Colombia and how coffee buyers wax poetic about the coffee in that particular area.
The farm is located in Cristina, on the Minas Gerais side of the Mantiqueira Mountain Ridge and owned by 2 Brothers, Antônio Márcio da Silva and Sebastião Afonso da Silva. Coffee growing on the farm began 20 years ago as an idea to set aside land and eventually evolved into compelling passion of sustainability and is now the families main income. All harvesting on the farm is done by hand and taken to a mill for processing directly on the farm. Coffee is dried out on patios and then in mechanical dryers to ensure quality.
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Catuai: Brazil and Hybridizing Coffee
Brazil is not a stranger to hybrids. Farmers began to learn different coffee varieties such as the the first plantings of typica and Bourbon produced different characteristics. Typica often had your classic coffee taste profile and Bourbon produced a sweet cup characteristic and has a smaller yield. Eventually Coffee farmers would cross these 2 Varieties and Name it Mondo Novo meaning “New World.” Mondo Novo (Typica x Bourbon)
Soon Coffee farmers would then take Mondo Novo and cross it with Caturra. Caturra is a hybrid of Bourbon that naturally morphed in Brazil. This genetic differentiation was just 1 gene that impacted that plants internal distance between leaves leading to a smaller plant that can be planted closer together for harvesting. Caturra became extremely popular due to its compactness and higher producing yields.
Catuai is compact hybrid crossed with Mondo Novo & Caturra. (Mondo Novo x Caturra)
Catuai is compact hybrid crossed with Mondo Novo & Caturra. (Mondo Novo x Caturra)
Variety is important to know what the coffee is going to taste like. Genetic differentiation between plants allows for unique characteristics to come forward and allow each varietal to shine. Eventually the Catuai (cat -two- ah- ee) would soon be planted all over Brazil which brings us to our Natural Processed Brazil Sïtio Baixadāo today.
Tasting Notes (Used Kalita Wave 185 as it is forgiving on the pour and minimizes technique)
- 24 Grams x 288 Grams Water in Ceramic Kalita Wave 185
- Grind Setting: 9 on Baratza Virtuoso Burr Grinder
- Hario Buono Kettle with Flow Restrictor
- Water: 50 PPM
- 30 grams of water with 30 second Bloom time
- Pulse pour every 50 Grams to achieve 288 grams total volume
- 17.4% Extraction Yield
Distinct Red wine, Fruity aroma during brew
Hints of fresh Mango shined through at 124 Degrees
On the fun side the nose reminded me of Fruity/Berry children cereal
Acidity: Nice soft Citrus acidity when hot, very juicy making you salivate
Body: Sturdy body with hint of Spice and Plum aftertaste that still had a clean a invigorating finish
Flavor: Cherry, Spice, Citrus, Juicy = complex
Paired with Mango Marmalade coffee became sweet like simple syrup
Paired with Fage Yogurt mixed with Mango Coffee displayed an astringent quality
Paired with a Cannoli and the cup loved hints of spice
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