Caffe Verona- If a coffee can capture a snapshot of romance it would be labeled Caffe Verona. Today, passion for the culinary romance of Italy inspired the name of this full-bodied blend of Latin American and Asian/Pacific coffees. Caffe Verona is rich with a baking chocolate taste/texture and balances out with roasty sweet finish
Caffe Verona originally called "Jake's Blend" dates back to 1975 and was created for a Seattle restaurant- Jake O’Shaughnessy’s. Jake's blend was one of the first "private label" coffee offerings for a restaurant and not sold at Starbucks. Due to its popularity customers started asking for Jake's Blend and baristas would scoop the 2 coffees and label it as such. In turn, Starbucks sold enough of the coffee they began to pre-bag the coffee and labeled it 80/20 blend. Starbucks added it to the whole bean menu as 80/20 blend.
In 1987, Howard Schultz bought Starbucks coffee company and wanted to trademark the name of the coffee. 80/20 blend could not be trademarked and they renamed it Caffe Verona.
The 80/20 Blend is a "Post-Roast blend" and still follows the same recipe made from 80% Yukon Blend and 20% Italian Roast.
Post-Roast Blends start with the individual roasted coffee profiles first, then the proper ratio of each is combined to create a blend and a tapestry for the palette. It is easier to make a post roast blend as it reduces waste and maximizes individual roasts.
Literature lovers will recognize Verona as the city set for Romeo and Juliet.
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