February 12, 2012

Tribute Blend

     Had a sneak preview tasting of this 2nd year offering and its full of flavor.  There is sound history in this cup for Starbucks. Each of the 4 components were selected to represent a different aspect of the company's past.
     The natural processed Ethiopian coffee in this blend give it its berry flavor with hints of rum. Harrar & Shirkina were selected for its close collaboration with Ethiopian farmers.  The tangible broken pieces of Aged Sumatra were selected by the work it takes to age coffee typically 3-5 years in Singapore. The aged Sumatra adds spice, depth plus a syrupy body.                
     This coffee also packs large Colombian beans selected for sbux because it was where the 1st contribution to social projects took place. Colombian beans are typically used for blending but, Papua New Guinea beans give this coffee life by adding acidity.  Papua New guinea was selected because it was one of the first coffees offered on their menu.
     We paired this coffee with dried golden raisins and cranberries, but it also pairs with chocolate and spice, such as an oatmeal cookie or pumpkin pie.

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